Ben Hogan Golf Swing Lesson

November 19, 2022

Classic quote from the legendary Ben Hogan from one of his epic video lessons from yesteryear, some 60 years ago or more!

Ya, we don't mind at all Mr. Hogan...are you kidding us? Go right ahead hit as many as you like, we'll just watch and learn!

Below is a snippet from one of his classic videos. His golf swing is still one of the most studied and watched by golf instructors and players alike today even some 60 years later.

Ben Hogan is considered to be "the Maestro" of the golf swing and one of the best ball strikers and players of all time. His signature swing is almost flawless with a wonderfully consistent  pattern and sequence of motion. It's the same every time.

Sure he practiced lots... "dug it out of the dirt"... as he called it. But he was also very mobile which allowed him to play fully to his potential by allowing his body to move consistently, swing in and swing out!

Good mobility is a fundamental of good technique. All good players move well and have the same inherent pattern of motion regardless how their swings may look...And that is the key.

Click the link below to watch the video of Hogan's swing. It's not about copying how his swing looks it's about copying how he moved, his timeless pattern of motion.

To your best golf,

Barry & Tammy


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